We had a great visit to the hospital today! Reign wasnt happy once she realized where we were going. They removed her drain since we were at less than 1 mL and put in 2 staples. She got to see a couple of her groupies and they are very impressed with how she’s doing. Her original surgeon was there! That made us happy. We finally heard about the results from the urine test and eberything was normal! So 1 more shot today and shes done with the nasty antibiotic and hopefully that bacteria! She went over the biopsy report with us since it didnt give us a clear answer to what happened. It did rule out any tumors or cysts. There were lots of blood clots which was definitely not normal. Im still going with my gut and saying whoever at the 1st put in her IV messed up. Only there didn she fight going under and had her blood pressure all over the place. The surgeon said if for any reason Reign might need surgery in the future, she would recommend a full work up before hand and for them to go over every inch of her record with this surgery. The best part of the visit beside removing thendrain is shes scheduled to have her stitches removed this Friday!!!!!!! YAY REIGN!!!! Now i just need her to stop trying to take them out herself. She has decided that shes better since this morning she ran for the steps outside, didnt hesitate and ran right up them! I didnt see it but steve said she was completely normal and had zero problems. I was super proud but also wanted to choke her dad! I just dont want her over doing it too fast.
Only 4 more days until I can sleep in my bed with her again!!!
We dont think we’ve ever got so much good news in 1 day before WOOHOO!!
Author: mauch

Its been so hot all we have been doing is hinding in the house with the a/c. That doesnt stop Reign from recovering.
Shes definitely being her bratty self! She tried to get to the doggie steps by our bed and im pretty sure she would have gone down them if we weren’t right there to stop her. She also wants to jump off of the couch now. We are moving everything down to the floor to save me from having a heart attack. Her daddy has lost his “cone free” time with her since earlier she managed to remove a couple stitches. I was not a happy mom! Lucky for us they were healed!!
We go tomorrow to have the drain removed. Yay us! We have only pulled about 1-1.5 mL out in the last 24 hours compared to the 3.5-4 mL when we brought her home. Hopefully they will remove a couple more stitches too. I also plan on sitting there until I have her biopsy reports in my hand. I just want to know what caused all of this so i know if there’s anything we need to avoid in the future.
Reign is eating and drink really well. She ate some dry dog food this morning which makes me happy since getting back on a normal diet will help her stomach. She’s been pooping once everyday! We always knew we were weird but I think we’ve stepped it up lately. Lol My mother in law even gets excited when Reign poops.
I havent seen her struggle to do too much. The only thing shes trying to figure out right now is how to burrow underneath blankets. I had to help in the pic above. The drain blocks her normal movement.
So fingers crossed that tomorrow the drain comes out so we can check that off of our list to recovery!
15 days post op
We finally caught her walking on video! Its not long but took us days to get it!
Sorry its blurry, i dont know why lol
Day 3 home 11 days post op
Day 2 Home 10 days post op
We were worried since Reign isnt crate trained so we tried to just keep her on our laps since thats where she was relaxed. This morning we had to empty her drain. So I put her on our bed, hoping she would relax. Well that was 6 hours ago! She snuggled her daddy and that was it. She hasnt moved at all! So Reigns “crate rest” is a queen size bed lol