Day 2 Home 10 days post op


We were worried since Reign isnt crate trained so we tried to just keep her on our laps since thats where she was relaxed. This morning we had to empty her drain. So I put her on our bed, hoping she would relax. Well that was 6 hours ago! She snuggled her daddy and that was it. She hasnt moved at all! So Reigns “crate rest” is a queen size bed lol

5 thoughts on “Day 2 Home 10 days post op”

  1. Awwwww………sweet! She’s home, she’s resring with her daddy and her crate is a Queen sized bed…..perfect!!!

    We’re all so happy she’s home! The fact that she’s able to relax would indicate she’s not in too much pain…that’s so good! She’s going to heal so much faster now from the surgerynitself. I know she still has to deal with that darn infection and that can make her still feel lethargic. Either way, rest is good.

    Keep us posted! Eating any better yet? Still having runny poop?

    Love to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    I’m so glad she’s resting comfortably

    1. She’s sleeping on Steve on the couch now lol She’s not going to be happy when he goes to work tonight. We don’t even have to keep the cone on her all the time now since she only goes after her stitches when something brushes up against them. She doesn’t even mind her warm compress anymore. The techs are so smart. They use a saline bag warmed in the microwave for a minute or 2. They gave us one to bring home since Reign didn’t like my attempts.
      Reign is eating really good for us, of course only without the cone on. She’s not quite back up to normal but but I’m very happy with what she does eat.
      No at home poop to report yet. But she does have some HORRIBLE gas going on so something is going to happen soon! When we take her out she immediately pees and starts sniffing around but that’s it. I might try canned pumpkin tomorrow.
      Of course she was walking around the yard really well earlier and I didn’t have my phone. I swear she knew it!
      I will update again soon! Hopefully with news of poop or a video!!

  2. I was just reading your original post – that sounds so scary! I’m glad she is feeling better now.
    My other cat is good at telling when Leila is feeling bad and needs space as well. I think animals who are close understand each other far better than we do. I use his reactions as a guide to how she is doing.

    A bed and her daddy seems like a far better option than a crate! Leila likes my lap best.

    Is there any news on the test results or cause yet? It’s so scary that this can just happen like this. It’s a good thing Reign has good people like you to take care if her so quickly.

    Best wishes,
    Emily and Leila (and Milo)

    1. Only 1 of our other 3 dogs seems to want to get really close. I joked that the bulb on the drain looks like a squeaker from a toy so maybe that’s what he wants lol.
      No biopsy results yet. Her doctor called and yelled at the lab yesterday so hopefully when we go for a check up on Friday they will have an answer.

  3. Lily has a baby playpen. She can see out and be in the room with us. I have 6 other dogs, so she eats in the playpen, and spent a lot of time in it at first.

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