3 weeks post op!

Last visit!
Last visit!

Reign had her stitches removed today!! Her surgeon said she looks great and she wont need to come back! Yay for last vet visit!! Reign looked very relieved that the stitches were gone. After the extra week due to the absess the entire house needed those stitches out! Lol
Miss Reign got to show off for the doctor and was giving kisses. Of course we were home 5 minutes and she licked a red spot so shes still being watched/coned.
How long does it usually take for them to leave the scar alone? The vet said 3-7 days
Thank you everyone again!

Ive been trying to get more video but she’s a brat! Hubby is off tomorrow so maybe we can catch her

3 thoughts on “3 weeks post op!”

  1. This picture makes me smile! The whole uppdate makes me smile! Such a repugh start but thi gs are really getting better everyday now!

    My Happy Hannah never bothered her stitches soI have no advice there. Although some have used baby “onesies” on little dogs. Maybe some form of that would work.

    Can’t wait for a video!!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. Reign’s incision probably itches, which is a good thing indicating she is healing up. Maybe try some coconut oil or something else to moisturize her incision and make it less itchy?

    Glad to hear she is doing so well! And she looks great!

    Codie Rae

  3. Awww what pawgress this is! Yay!

    Itchiness does mean healing, that’s great! You can try several vet-approved anti-itch creams at pet stores, or even aloe vera will help.

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