No one ever believes me when I say Reign puts up with me but adores her daddy. I now have proof! Last night she wasn’t interested in drinking so I kept offering water from different bowls until she drank a little. Pic on the left is the look I received. On the right is her being cute for daddy while I wasn’t in the room. See the difference! Lol
She’s being a brat again so she’s feeling better. She is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing like nothing was done. I guess I expected her to be like how she was when she came home from the amputation surgery. I was so wrong! She is of course annoyed with having a cone again but this time she was allowed a soft one and this is SOOOOO much better. She can walk with this kind! She hasn’t really attempted to get at the tubes so since I’ve been with her all day we really haven’t had to cone her. I’m back to sleeping on the couch with her since I’m too nervous for her to be in bed. Our other dogs want to lay with her but there just isn’t a spot that is safe for there. Plus she does have 2 drains in so I much rather have her on her blankets if she drips. Which not much has come out of them. After she goes out to potty she has a couple drips so I’m hoping that Friday they will remove them. Everything is looking as good if not better than I anticipated.
We did have a little scare last night. Reign was sleeping pretty good but jerked herself awake and seemed scared. About an hour later she did it again. Then we figured out we’ve never had her home right after surgery! We she was fixed the office kept her over night, the amputation she was in Pittsburgh so we didn’t get to see her so this was the drugs still in her system. When the vet called to check on her today, they agreed with us.
As with most things Reign is doing much better than me. I’m hoping for more sleep tonight than last night. Of course she seems wide awake now! Has it been 2 weeks yet!?!?